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Croquet Mallet - Australian

At COLES-ROICE PFC HOOP MAKER MALLETS, we are focused on providing the highest precision manufactured croquet mallet it is possible to make. As each mallet is perfectly balanced and accurately manufactured to one thousandth of an inch, they are completely CONSISTENT. They will not absorb moisture, or change shape and as no wood, glue or carbon fiber is used, the Hoop Maker retains its integrity for life.

We have removed one major element that may contribute to a poor stroke by providing a CONSISTENT mallet.

We don't think its possible to make a more perfectly made mallet.

We recognize the need to reduce the necessity to hit a ball hard to achieve any desired goal, because the softer a ball is hit, the more accurate you become. The Hoop Makers patented and registered design has achieved that goal.

Computer design, the manufacture of many prototypes and a year of testing in both controlled environments and in competitions, and the use of precision manufacturing machinery has enabled us to achieve our desired result.

With a variety of handle alternatives', we're sure you'll be happy with your PFC HOOP MAKER and HOOP RUNNER mallet. You will purchase the finest precision instrument it is currently possible to manufacture.

I'm often asked "Did you design the mallet"

Well, here's how it all happened:

The Birth of the COLES-ROICE PFC Alloy Croquet Mallet

The product of four men

In the late 60’s four men were assigned to solve a difficult problem. They were in their mid-twenties. All highly qualified Engineers and with a common interest, they became close friends. They kept in touch only occasionally as distance was a problem. One Australian – Precision Engineer, one Englishman – fine Production Engineer, one German – Percussion Engineer and an American – Laser CAD engineer.

At 2.00am in February in 2014 the Australian decided to design a Croquet mallet using the latest Laser CD technology, the latest Alloys, a design that eliminated peripheral weighting and that used the impact shock of contact with the ball for the benefit of the croquet player - to produce a bullet proof mallet with great power and three different weights.

A week later the design was sent electronically to Hans. The design was perfected and sent to Richard who optimized the design for production. Richard’s solution was sent to Tex who made some alterations then wrote the program for the latest quarter of a million dollar Laser CAD machines in Australia.

An American Orthopedic specialist designed the Oval handle which became 95% of the mallets sales. Special handle foams and coverings were sourced from Taiwan to produce handles for Arthritis and back pain sufferers.

In 2017 a Croquet playing Chemical engineer in Australia formulated Zelatron. A slightly softer material that ‘grips’ the ball better than any other product previously used. The Striking Faces don’t become smooth with use, rather Zelatron retains a 1600 grit surface for life assisting in the execution of rolls and passing rolls and rushes in AC, and jumps and distance shots in GC.

PFC Mallet sales have increased to in excess of 1,050 a year around the world and are on the increase.

All retired now, the four men meet in one to the three northern hemisphere countries every two years. Our wives are the greatest of friends.

If you have any questions please contact us on

+61 2 65553485 or +61 419419106

or at

I'll reply as soon as possible.

What makes the



so different

Never before has such technology been used to manufacture a precision Croquet Mallet.


To increase accuracy by 

manufacturing the most perfect 

instrument we are able to make.

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